www.TrueKnights.org Purity News Archive

Saturday, June 30, 2007

New member to the blogroll

I haven't done this for anyone yet but this blog particularly touches my heart (from what little I have read, ahhh, love being busy) as I can see the fire she posseses. The blog is written and called, The Wife of An Addict. I will have to put together a permanent post that has a little bit about each member. I found The Wife of An Addict through one particular post that I commented on over at her site about Birth Control and being an Addict's wife. As a Catholic I have some strong beliefs about Birth Control, they are not just dogmatic but I continue growing in understanding them. If you want a little more insight a good place to start is at Christopher West's website, he has free audio files and links to his cd talk series (when I bought his 10 cd talk series it was at another website and was extremely economical..let me surf for it). His 10 cde audio set is available for only $3.90 each here. I don't get kick backs from any of these places but I firmly believe in the message. God bless.

Under the Mercy,

p.s. I have met Christopher West and listened to him in person and he is awesome and on fire with the Holy Spirit and has had his own struggles with this affliction/achilles heel.


Bar L. said...

Hey MS, the link did not go to her blog. I'd be very interested in seeing it so I will try to locate it on my own.

When I was in a mixed 12 Step group for SA, I sat next to a woman that was there for COSA. When it got to my turn to say Hi I am Barbara I'm a sex and love addict, she got up and moved and her friend said "your the type of woman her husband is addicted to". I was stunned. But not offended...I can imagine how painful it is for the spouses of SAs

Anonymous said...

Fixed, ooops, lol.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for linking to my site! I truly hope it will be a blessing, and an eye opening experience, for your readers.

I don't think that an SA can EVER know how much pain they cause us, but I have to believe that taking a peek into our hearts would at least deter the addiction.