www.TrueKnights.org Purity News Archive

Monday, October 8, 2007

The Best Defense is a. . .

. . .Good Offesnse? NO, more surrender. Surrender more: deeply fully, completely and more of yourself.

I had begun to notice that I was surrending more and more of myself but resentment had looked for a door to get back in and found one: expectation of return.

Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted;
to understand, than to be understood;
to love, than to be loved.
For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.
It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.
It is by dying that one awakens to eternal life.

When I begin to expect in return then I drain my emotional bank account if I do not receive as I expect. I need to fulfill my duties because they are my duties and not because I believe I will find "happiness" in the form I dictate.

Under the Mercy,

1 comment:

Jen R. said...

Hope you are doing well. Thanks for posting that.